Marriage & Divorce

Our Lawyers Have Master-Level Knowledge And Solid Legal Experience In Canada And In China.
We Customized Our Services To Meet Your Special Legal Requirements.

Toronto Legal Services - Professional Divorce Law & Pre-nuptial Property Notarization

多伦多婚姻律师 – 专业离婚法与婚前财产公证

Welcome to our Toronto legal services page, where we are committed to providing you with expert advice on divorce law and pre-nuptial property notarization. Our seasoned team of lawyers is here to offer comprehensive legal support, ensuring you have the best legal representation in marriage and family matters. 欢迎来到JZW法律服务中心,我们的服务覆盖整个大多伦多地区,我们致力于为您提供专业的离婚法律咨询和婚前财产公证服务。我们的资深律师团队拥有近20年的中国/加拿大婚姻法服务经验,确保您在婚姻和家庭事务中得到满意的结果。

Divorce Legal Services

  • Professional Divorce Lawyers: Our Toronto legal team has extensive experience in handling divorce cases. Whether it’s a contested divorce or an uncontested resolution, we provide professional and compassionate legal support throughout the entire process. 专业离婚律师: 我们的多伦多律师团队在处理离婚事务方面拥有近20年的丰富经验。我们擅长处理各种争议性与非争议性离婚案件,我们始终耐心倾听您的诉求和保持高水准的专业服务。
  • Separation Agreements: Understanding and creating appropriate separation agreements is crucial to mitigating conflicts during the divorce process. Our lawyers will assist you in drafting and reaching clear and fair separation agreements to protect your interests. 分居协议: 制定并达成一份妥善的分居协议对于减少离婚过程中的冲突非常重要,了我们的律师将帮助您草拟和达成明晰且公正的分居协议,确保您的权益得到保护。
  • Child Custody and Support: We focus on ensuring the best interests of the child. Our lawyers will provide expert legal advice on custody and support issues, striving to achieve fair and workable agreements. 子女监护及赡养: 我们明白子女的权益对于您的重要性。我们的专业律师将在监护权和赡养问题上为您提供专业的法律建议,为您的子女争取最大的合法权益。

Pre-nuptial Property Notarization Services

  • Pre-nuptial Property Notarization: Before entering into marriage, our lawyers offer comprehensive pre-nuptial property notarization services. This helps clarify the ownership of assets, reduce potential disputes in the future, and establish a solid legal foundation for the marital relationship. 婚前财产公证: 在步入婚姻殿堂之前,坦诚双方财务状况是非常有必要的。我们的律师将为您提供全面的婚前财产公证服务,它有助于明确双方财产的归属,减少未来潜在纠纷,并为婚姻关系奠定坚实的法律基础。
  • Legal Consultation and Planning: Before marriage, our lawyers will work with you to understand your financial situation and legal goals. We’ll tailor a personalized legal plan to ensure the proper protection of your assets. 法律咨询与计划: 在婚前,我们的律师将与您深入沟通,了解您的财务状况和法律目标,为您制定属于您自己的法律计划,确保您的财产得到妥善保护。

Why Choose Us?

  • Experienced Professional Team: Our Toronto legal team is renowned for its experience in divorce law, providing clients with high-quality legal representation. 经验丰富的专业团队: 我们的多伦多律师团队有近20年的中国/加拿大离婚律师服务专业经验,确保为客户提供高质量的法律服务和建议。
  • Personalized Service:*Marriage & Divorce Law in Ontario We recognize the uniqueness of every family. We develop personalized legal strategies to meet your specific needs in divorce and pre-nuptial property notarization. 个性化服务: 我们理解每个家庭都是独一无二的,所以我们将根据您的具体情况制定相应的方案,以满足您在离婚和婚前财产公证方面的需求。
  • Compassion and Professionalism: When dealing with legal issues involving family matters, we combine compassion with professionalism to ensure you receive care and understanding throughout the entire legal process. 同情心与专业精神: 在处理涉及家庭事务的问题时,我们注重同情心与专业服务的结合,确保您在整个法律过程中得到耐心的服务和理解。

Contact Us

If you need divorce legal services or pre-nuptial property notarization services, please contact our Toronto legal team. We look forward to providing you with efficient and professional legal support, ensuring the best possible outcomes in legal affairs. 如果您需要离婚法律服务或婚前财产公证服务,请立即联系我们的多伦多律师团队。我们期待为您提供高效而专业的法律支持,确保您在法律事务中得到最好的结果。




186 Robert Speck Pkwy Suite 201, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3G1
Close to Square One & Free Parking
[email protected]


Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat & Sun Closed