
Our Lawyers Have Master-Level Knowledge And Solid Legal Experience In Canada And In China.
We Customized Our Services To Meet Your Special Legal Requirements.

Welcome to JZW Law - Your Most Trusted Ontario Family Lawyers

欢迎来到JZW律所 – 密西沙加,多伦多及大多伦多地区最值得信赖的离婚律师!

Navigating the complexities of divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. At JZW Law, our team of dedicated family lawyer located in the Greater Toronto Area is here to guide you through every step of the process with compassion, expertise, and caring legal support.


Comprehensive Divorce Services


Our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction sets us apart as family lawyer in the Ontario. Our legal practice focuses on uncontested and contested comprehensive divorce services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.


Legal Service Areas


Our family law practice covers a broad spectrum of divorce-related services, including: 我们离婚相关的服务涵盖众多的项目,包括但不限于:

  • Negotiation: Our experienced family lawyer is skilled negotiators, striving to achieve amicable resolutions whenever possible to save the time and money for our clients. 谈判:我们经验丰富的离婚律师将尽力帮助您实现友好的谈判,争取达成双方都满意的离婚方案,为您节约金钱和时间。
  • Separation/Divorce Agreement: serves as a comprehensive legal document designed to outline the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties undergoing a separation or divorce. Its primary purpose is to establish a clear and binding framework for the separation, addressing various aspects of the relationship dissolution.

    分居/离婚协议: 我们可以为您拟定分居/离婚协议等法律文件,它包括分居或离婚各方达成的条款和条件。协议的主要目的是建立清晰而具有约束力的分居/离婚框架,涉及婚姻或同居关系解除的各个方面的具体事宜。

  • Divorce Applications & Filings: We assist clients in initiating divorce proceedings by preparing and filing all necessary documentation with court. 离婚申请和提交: JZW 律师服务中心可以帮助客户通过准备并向法庭提交所有必要的文件,协助客户启动离婚程序。
  • Child Custody & Support: Ensuring the best interests of your children is our priority. We advocate for fair and workable child custody and support arrangements. 儿童监护和抚养费支付: 如果需要,我们会为您的孩子争取最大利益,包括儿童监护和抚养费和支付安排等。
  • Spousal Support: We provide professional guidance on spousal support matters and fight your best interest on behalf, and helping clients navigate the complexities of financial support during the process. 配偶赡养费支付: 我为您在争取配偶赡养费上提供专业指导,为客户争取利益最大化,帮助客户在整个过程中了解财务支持的复杂性和重要意义。
  • Property Division: Our team is well-versed in the laws governing the fair distribution of assets and debts, ensuring equitable and satisfactory outcomes for our clients. 财产分割: 我们的团队熟悉中加两国的法律,专注于公平分配财产和债务的法规,确保为我们的客户得出满意度财产分割方案。
  • Legal Representation in Court: If your case requires litigation, our seasoned family lawyers will fiercely advocate for your rights and interests in the courtroom. 代表客户出席法庭: 如果您的案件需要诉讼,我们经验丰富的离婚律师将在法庭上为您的权利和利益辩护。

Why Choose JZW Law for Your Divorce Matters?


  • Honest & Sincere Our lawyers have extensive experience in family law, ensuring that you receive the high quality and personalized legal representation. 透明的服务:我们的律师在中国和加拿大都拥有近20年的离婚服务经验,可以确保您的离婚过程中获得高质量的帮助以及最少的烦恼。
  • Client-Centered Approach We understand the emotional toll of divorce. Our compassionate and client-focused approach helps you navigate the process with confidence. 以客户为中心:我们理解离婚可能是一件情感上非常让人受挫的事,所以我们更加注重始终对客户保持耐心及同理心,并且我们始终以客户为中心的方法将帮助您应对整个离婚过程。
  • Customized Strategies Every divorce case is unique. We tailor our strategies to your specific circumstances, ensuring the best possible outcome for you and your family. 定制的离婚方案:每个离婚案件都是独特的,所以我们会考虑每位客户的具体情况,确保您和您的家人都获得最满意的结果。

Schedule a consultation with JZW Law today, and let our family legal team guide you through the complexities of divorce with care and expertise.





186 Robert Speck Pkwy Suite 201, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3G1
Close to Square One & Free Parking
[email protected]


Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat & Sun Closed